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Discover How This Ancient Practice Can Help You Manage Stress In As Little as 15 Minutes a Day

Even if you don’t have prior meditation experience

“Mindful awareness is paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is.” 


Diana Winston

Director of Mindful Education

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)



Whenever we hear the word Mindfulness a lot of things start going through our head and most of us feel that it’s a lot of work and requires a certain amount of time and devotion. 


Let me tell you now that it's not the case.

Hello, my name is 

Imee Contreras

I’m an Entrepreneur, dharma teacher, mindfulness facilitator, yoga therapist, mom, and transformative leader and speaker. 


I first discovered meditation when I was 16 years old. This is around the time when I was faced with one of the most impactful crossroads of my life. 

Spending a large part of my younger years growing up in the United States and experiencing a traumatic deportation process, I am now based here in the Philippines. 


After decades of searching, I discovered myself and a true sense of belonging in motherhood, yoga, and mindfulness meditation. 


This puts me in a unique position to tell you that Mindfulness is a process that is open to everyone regardless of your background or religion. 


Contrary to what others believe, one does not have to be an experienced meditator or subscribe to a particular belief in order to successfully practice Mindfulness and integrate it to your everyday life.

These are some of the benefits of Mindfulness if practiced regularly:

That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in this program





This is a Mindfulness program suitable for beginner, intermediate, and advanced mindfulness and meditation students. 


What sets it apart from other mindfulness programs is that it’s under UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). 


MARC was created to bring to a renowned mental health research institution the ancient art of mindful awareness in a scientifically supported and rigorous form. 

Inside the program is a combination of lecture, practice, and group feedback and discussion. It’s taught in a context of a supportive community environment with classes no larger than 30-40 students. 

You will learn a variety of mindfulness practices so you can discover which practice is suitable to your lifestyle and preference. 

Smiling Student in Lecture
Here are the content areas to be covered in the program:
  • Overview of Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness of the Body

  • Obstacles to Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness to help with Physical Pain

  • Working with Difficult Emotions

  • Cultivating Positive Emotions

  • Working with Difficult Thoughts

  • Mindful Interactions and Relational Mindfulness

Practices include:
  • Sitting meditation

  • Eating meditation

  • Daily life meditations

  • Relational mindfulness

  • Walking meditation

  • Standing meditation

  • Movement meditation

  • Practices to develop positive emotions

  • Working with thoughts

This program is an excellent introduction to mindfulness beginners who may be overwhelmed with a lot of information about mindfulness that they see on the web. 


The class lays the foundation for a daily meditation practice and provides insight into the basics of mindfulness and how it can be applied to daily life. 


It is also appropriate for experienced practitioners who wish to revitalize their practice. 

Read about what my past students have to say…

Regular rate for the program is $200.

However if you register before May 5, 2021 you can get in for just $165!


Once you're inside, this is what's going to happen:

  • The class meets weekly for two hours per week for six weeks

  • Students complete daily home practice meditation assignments starting at five minutes a day and working up to 20 minutes daily by the end of the course

  • Students receive weekly practice review sheets via email + web links to free guided meditations, online videos, and a reading list

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I would really love to see you inside the class because I know how important it is to learn more about mindfulness especially during these unprecedented times. 


It’s a great way to empower ourselves and others.


See you inside! 


Imee Contreras

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